Connie's Blabber

Friday, March 30, 2007

State of Fear, by Michael Crichton

State of Fear by Michael Crichton

This is my first Michael Crichton book. It's really not a novel, but a platform upon which Crichton presents a debate over environmental issues. As a result, the story line is contrived, and the characters poorly developed. On the other hand, the discussions are thought-provoking, and well-referenced, unlike so many articles and books out there on similar topics that make claims without references. Crichton's point on the dangers of mixing politics with science is particularly relevant.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Agatha Christie An Autobiography

Agatha Christie An Autobiography by Agatha Christie

Every once a while, I go down to the basement to take a book off the bookshelves. This one caught my attention because I loved Agatha Christie's books when I was a child, and I've always wanted to know how one writes detective novels. Unfortunately, most of the autobiography deals with her personal life, travels and relationships, which are only mildly interesting. She gave some vague descriptions on her writing process, but, to my disappointment, mentioned very few of her (many) books.
